Museum of World Insects and Natural Wonders


72 Nimmanhemin 13 (Opp. Sirimungkalajan 3 Rd.)                                   Huay-Kaew Rd. ChiangMai 50200 THAILAND

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That is the only museum in the city The Museum of World Insects and Natural Wonders . The founder of the commitment and diligence of Mr. Manop Rattanarithikul and his wife of more than 50 years studying and collecting things of that nature are rare. Than to a museum with a variety of things that are naturally rare and authentic as the real thing, everything that is beneficial to learn as well . It also adds an option to the tourists interested bathe together. The study of ancient history with another style . This country is no less than 150 countries around the world, like the Museum of diverse natural evolution museum. The key here takes only one hour to watch. I can learn something almost every rare natural fields . I went to the woods Through jungle mountains around the world.

What nature shows to watch in museums such as : .
• The first egg vulture collection of the museum.
• insects of Thailand and foreign countries 4,668 315 family types.
• butterflies Moths of Thailand and abroad 51 rare exotic colorful baroque shape in the conservation of high value to education. Lost in the jungle of Thailand and abroad.
• sea shells Freshwater shells of Thailand and internationally considered the world’s rarest , most beautiful, most strange, the most extraordinary shape . And shellfish species that are toxic . Like the sunshine
• fossil remains of ancient animals Since Cambrian era 500 million years old down to the Pioneer synthesizer million years. Both intact fossil insects in resin millions of years. Coral and plants that many unknown species diversity.
• The Magic of mosquitoes seldom studied . The mosquitoes of Thailand’s 23 tribes, 436 new species found in Thailand , 22 species of mosquitoes carry diseases dangerous three kinds of filariasis , malaria , and dengue type 1, type 2 giant mosquitoes do not feed on blood , but water eat pollen . The larvae of the mosquito larvae eat this species of mosquito species that feed on blood. Naturally , therefore, the larvae of the mosquito larvae of mosquito destruction giant controlling the disease.
• rare minerals Natural stone Exotic baroque shaped Colorful patterned
• Check U rock or a priest who is believed to come from the outside world. Including rock art by nature. Natural stones are rare to be trimmed carving is an art in the sense of respect and spiritual beauty .
• Rock the historic landmarks of the world, such as stone Himalayas. Rock under the snow mountain nest rock bottom Grand Canyon . Rock on Mount Fuji Hiroshima atomic center stone . First the Berlin Wall stone desert Underground rock Vatican Basilica Stone Wall of China and many others .
• Termite art By termites eat wood buried in the soil of a flower species. Brought together a fantastic flower vases . Wood termites bite type. Actually looks like The philosophical meaning And truth of life
• Antiques , art and human . The other odd thing is very rare , like a bowl of chinaware Sukhothai over 700 years old , the most beautiful pots Ka . Pond edged sword antique iron P authenticity.
• Additionally, the world’s first postage stamp . The first stamps of Thailand ‘s model bill 1 bill signed first Prime Minister of Thailand Currency of Thailand mint set coins banknotes funny joke. Various rare coins Since the reign of King Rama 4 to 9 species seen and still can not believe it ‘s real.

The museum is open every day 9.00 AM- 5.00 PM.

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